Wednesday, November 01, 2006

base (bās) (n.)

A supporting part or layer; a foundation.
A basic or underlying element; infrastructure.
One of the silliest things associated with the latest round of Republican lies is all the handwringing about how it will affect "the base," ours or theirs.

Folks, it's six days out from the election. If you haven't decided how, or even whether, you're going to vote next week, you're not part of anybody's base.

On the other hand, there's a body of voters larger than anybody's base that may still be malleable. You know some of them, at work, maybe, or next door, or even in your own family.

The question to put to them is real simple. Are they going to sit on their hands and let the crooks and liars run the Congress or will they take just a few minutes to strike a blow for democracy?

And have I mentioned that Maria Cantwell needs your help?


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