Sunday, October 29, 2006

Eye Of Newt Is Twitching

Our old pal Newt Gingrich has been a bit vocal lately. Not surprising, since his party's reign is in serious jeopardy. In a new memo sent far and wide within the GOP rank and file, Gingrich is suggesting, among other things, that his 1994 mojo could be worked again, if only the contributions would come rolling in.

The document, titled "Help Me Do It Again," attempts to stir up the base with this verbal image of Nancy Pelosi in the Oval Office.

"This left-wing Congresswoman will be third in line to the presidency if she becomes speaker. The prospect of Pelosi bringing San Francisco values and a foreign policy attitude of weakness, appeasement and surrender would be a disaster for the country."

That's what Gingrich has for ammo? The guy's trying to start a fire with a tiny bit of clutched straw. Just another sign of the sinking of the not-so-good ship GOP. Stay tuned for Gingrich's next memo, a bitch-fest about the policies of FDR.


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