Friday, November 11, 2005

"Did you hear the speech?"

…asked the Brilliant and Beautiful Bride of Upper Left.

"What speech?"

"Bush. All he did was trash the Democrats."

"On Veteran's Day!?!"

Unbelievable. Really. Even for me. The President of the United States chose to dishonor veterans everywhere in observation of Veteran's Day. This was not a day for anyone's personal or partisan agenda. There were both a Democratic and a Republican Congresscritter on the rostrum at the Veteran's Day observation I participated in this morning. There wasn't a partisan note from either, and I applauded each in turn equally. That's the kind of day this is.

Or is supposed to be.

While I was posting the colors and saluting my comrades, George Bush was making the day something else, something less, something wrong. He ruined much of my Veteran's Day. Goddamn him. God. Damn. Him.

One more time, I have to side with that Kerry fella...
“I wish President Bush knew better than to dishonor America’s veterans by playing the politics of fear and smear on Veterans Day."

Hat tip to Pamela at The Democratic Daily.


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