Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Hammer, nail…


Digby nails the GOP's mangy hide to the wall…
Many movement conservatives, whether from the Christian conservative base or the neocon cosmopolitans, really bought into the idea that Bush believes in something deeper than corporate power, cutting taxes for high earners and kicking ass. Yet, there is absolutely nothing in his performance in office that suggests he cares about anything else.

Rove, on the other hand, has the very public agenda of building a "permanent" Republican majority. That is what he's trying to do. Period. Whatever it takes to get there is what they will do -- neocons and Christian alike are just cogs in the machine…

...The modern Republican party, at its core, is not about ideology or values or anything else that high minded mediocre intellectuals and religious zealots pretend motivates their "movement" It's about money and power. Same as it ever was. Ask Grover.
The likes of Rove, Norquist, DeLay and Cheney, exemplars of the destructionist cabal at the heart of the contemporary Republican Party, are all about, and only about, strip mining our democracy for the power and profit of their friends and themselves. Every damn thing they do has to be judged in that light.(Preznit 40% is deliberately omitted. I'm increasingly coming to view him as simply a tool, likely to go down in history as the befuddled, pathetic victim of circumstances beyond his abilities and the betrayal of those he counted as friends),

That includes the Miers nomination, about which the Hullabalooer waxes eloquently and at length. Go see.


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