Monday, September 12, 2005

By now you've heard…

Judging from the blistering analyses in Time, Newsweek, and elsewhere these past few days, it turns out that Bush is in fact fidgety, cold and snappish in private. He yells at those who dare give him bad news and is therefore not surprisingly surrounded by an echo chamber of terrified sycophants. He is slow to comprehend concepts that don't emerge from his gut. He is uncomprehending of the speeches that he is given to read....
…but really, do you think Froomkin and the analysts he cites are just now finding this out? Do you really think this article couldn't have been written a year ago, when silence constituted complicity in the campaign to re-elect the fidgety, cold, snappish, slow, uncomprehending fool?

Too little. Too late.

Is there anyone left who imagines there is such a thing as a 'liberal media'?


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