Monday, June 20, 2005

Condi's latest lie...

...reveals more truth than she may have intended...
... the Administration, I think, has said to the American people that it is a generational commitment to Iraq, but it is not a generational commitment in military terms; it is a commitment of our support to them, our political support, and an understanding that democracy takes time. (my emphasis)
Um, I think not. Not until Madame Secretary piped up, anyway.

The war was going to be quick and cheap, remember? Drive out the dictator, scoop up the WMDs, celebrate with flowers and candy and back to the home front, all on the tab of the Iraqi oil fields. Nothing 'generational' about that.

Of course, no one can even pretend it's going to be quick and cheap anymore, but generational? Decades of military and/or political involvement in the affairs of Iraq (and there seems to be no separation between military and political in the affairs of Iraq)? Who said that?

Even today, in the midst of the qWagmire, the Vice President tells us that our enemies are in their 'last throes,' that the light is barrelling down the tunnel toward us. We're told that the Iraqization program is going full steam ahead, with new Iraqi security forces being steadily cranked out, tens of thousands at a time. So what's with this 'generational' bit?

Looks to me like the set-up to justify those permanent bases Halliburton's building...


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