Saturday, May 21, 2005

Well, I'm back...

...for a minute, then off for a shift at the tav...

Can't find a lot to blog about on short notice, but I'm sure there will be plenty to say after Chairman Dean faces off with Pumpkinhead tomorrow. He's changed his rhetoric a bit in the days following the dustup over his remarks about Tom Delay at the Mass. Democratic Convention, but he hasn't really softened his tone. That's fine. It's time, heck, way past time to apply some heat to the destructionist mob in the GOP, and Howard's just the guy to do it. There's a smart way and a dumb way, of course, but the Chairman's a smart guy and he's still speaking from a fairly new perspective as Party Chair. He'll figure it out.

Hopefully by tomorrow morning.

Either way, there should be fun and fireworks aplenty. Check your local listings...


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