Friday, February 11, 2005

If you don't believe...

...the current crop of Repubicans are radical destructionists, look a the way they're trying to destroy Social Security and compare that to the approach of a real conservative administration, via Think Progress...
Ronald Reagan “vastly expanded” the Social Security system. He signed into law a $165 billion legislative package which upped payroll taxes, brought new recipients into the system and “for the first time, taxed Social Security benefits, and did so in the most liberal way: only those of upper-income recipients.” It’s time for the right to stop trying to capitalize on The Gipper’s iconic status to maipulate conservatives into supporting President Bush’s plan.
The conservatives worked hard to conserve the program. The destructionists just want to destroy.

Hey, if they can lie about FDR, the least we can do is tell the truth about Reagan.


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