Sunday, August 29, 2004

Searching for an honest politician...

...and apparently finding one!

Legendary California pol Jess Unruh famously described an honest politician as one who could "...take their money, drink their liquor, screw their women and vote against 'em in the morning." In other words, taking the right stand regardless of the inducements that might inspire you to do otherwise.

I view this note from soccerdad at The Left Coaster in that light...
As has been detailed here, former speaker of the Texas House Ben Barnes helped Bush avoid the draft and get into the National Guard. There may be more to the story. Greg Palast, a reporter for the BBC, is reporting that Barnes exacted some payback from Bush when the later became govenor of Texas.

Barnes called Bush and asked for a "favor", to renew the contract of GTech to run the Texas state lottery. Gtech was about to lose the contract because of corruption. After Barnes called Bush the decision was reversed and GTech got the no bid contract. Barnes got $23 million from GTech.
Whatever favors were requested and granted, when Barnes visited the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial and reflected on the aid he'd given to George W. and other offspring of influential families in their efforts to avoid sharing the risks of citizenship with those whose names are carved into The Wall, he did the right thing.

He took the Bush bucks and spoke the truth anyway.

I think Jess would be proud of him.

I am.


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