Monday, March 22, 2004

An abundance of riches

I'll get around to blogging on some other subjects before the day is out, but the Richard Clarke appearance on 60 Minutes is bound to get lots of everybody's attention today. It may be the biggest story of the year, really, since the Bush campaign rests so heavily on the premise that he's an effective leader in the war on terrorism. Having a source with the experience and credibility of Clarke cut that notion off at the knees is simply a huge deal.

Lots of angles provide potential for oodles of bloggity goodness, but right now I'm especially taken with Oliver Willis' imagined White House scenario...

Q: Mr. President, what are we going to do about unemployment?
Bush: Look into Iraq, Saddam.

Q: Mr. President, your economic program is causing record deficits and spending is getting out of control
Bush: Look into Iraq, Saddam.

Q: Mr. President, we're underfunding homeland security and our citizens still aren't safe
Bush: Look into Iraq, Saddam.

Q: Mr. President, the guy who didn't get the most votes won the election. How did that happen?
Bush: Look into Iraq, Saddam.


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