Saturday, February 21, 2004

It's enough to make you...

...ummm, well, ralph.

I've been a Ralph Nader admirer and advocate in various degrees over the years, and I don't even blame the 2000 election on him, really, but there's really nothing he can do to positively impact American electoral politics this year. I really can't add anything to Atrios' spot on observation.

"And, well, if people are stupid enough to vote for him either because they believe "BUSH=Democrat Nominee" or because they believe voting for him will help build a third party movement even though he's running as an independent or because they believe it will force the Democratic candidate to pretend to move "to the Left" during the campaign in order to get their votes even though they've already decided to vote for Ralph or because they believe Ralph could actually win...

well, go ahead. Nothing I can say is going to change your mind."

Yep. Me neither.

If you really want to keep up with everything that's wrong with Ralph this time, Dan Conley's started up a blog evocatively titled Ralph Nader Sucks which will doubtless keep you posted on any new developments in Ralph's tired old act.


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