Friday, January 23, 2004

Fatal fallout?

When you drop a bomb, you've got to expect fallout, and Howard Dean's Iowa performance - in the caucus and after - is generating plenty of just that.

Dissident Deaners like D.J. Wilson aren't the only, or even the biggest, problem. High profile support is starting to drift away, as this report from the Nashua Telegraph shows.

"MANCHESTER - Former U.S. Sen. John Durkin emerged as the biggest casualty of Howard Dean’s rocky showing in and after the Iowa caucuses, withdrawing support for the Democratic presidential hopeful Thursday.

Durkin said the former Vermont governor came off too overheated after his third-place showing in Iowa and already had allowed Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry to steal the populist message Dean owned last fall.

“I am the role model for the angry young man who won statewide in New Hampshire. I’m also the role model for the middle-aged man who got his butt kicked in New Hampshire,’’ Durkin said during an interview Thursday."

Uh-oh, HoHo.


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