Friday, October 24, 2003

Be scared. Be very scared.

I like to think that I travel in pretty wide circles and stay fairly well in touch with what's going on around me, but ultimately I'm the kind of guy that watches primary debates, reads lefty political blogs and sits through interminable political meetings like they're actually enjoyable in some sense. Your basic +++++ on the political geek scale.

There's another world out there, though, and it's populated by people that are nearly unimaginable sometimes, like some of the folks in this piece I found in the Seattle Times....

"Douglas Grunklee might be the Democratic Party's worst nightmare.

The independent voter and Catholic schoolteacher complains that President Bush "lied to get us into Iraq," that he is "allowing too much corruption," that he is "taking care of the top 1 or 2 percent" of rich people at the expense of everyone else, that his tax cuts haven't stoked the economy, and that Attorney General John Ashcroft is "crushing the Constitution."

Grunklee's preferred candidate for 2004? President Bush."



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